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Substation Services

Osmose can help you reset the life of your aging substation structures. We have extensive experience helping utilities retrofit structures with modern solutions. Our in-house team of substation specialists can help you understand the condition of your substation structures, recommend a cost-effective restoration solution, and prevent costly failures.

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Equipment, Site, Structure, and Security​

Substations and switchyards share critical assets to overall system reliability, however:
  • Substation structures typically haven’t been addressed in decades
  • Many substation structural components are beyond their expected design life and showing signs of deterioration
  • Planning outages for equipment and structure replacement can take months and can be costly
  • Capital budgets are becoming subject to increased scrutiny
  • Structure failures represent a substantial risk of loss of life, widespread outages, and financial losses 

Why Partner with Osmose for Substation Services?

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Increase reliability and safety

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Add to existing program

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Extend substation asset life

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Key resiliency offering

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Cost effective

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Capitalizable as part of a program

Substation Security​

Reduce the visibility of critical electric equipment and the risk of targeted attacks and blasts.
  • Privacy and noise-reduction screens
  • Movable ballistic panels
  • Permanent structural wall systems

Field Services​

  • Structure and foundation assessment
  • Corrosion mitigation with groundline coatings
  • Structure Restoration
  • Grounding grid assessment and repair
  • Site assessment and debris removal
  • Security hardening solutions
  • Site and structure mapping and numbering
  • Equipment assessment and testing
  • Infrared reliability scans
  • Aerial assessment including reliability scanning
Get a free, no-obligation consultation with an Osmose substation expert.
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Ground Grid Integrity Testing

Ground grids can corrode or get severed through construction activities, negatively impacting performance. Ground grid integrity testing enhances reliability and worker and public safety. 

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Steel and Concrete Restoration​

The Osmose team will implement engineered solutions to damaged steel and concrete structures inside substations safely and efficiently.

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Structure Assessment & Life Extension​

Osmose has adapted advanced assessment technologies to find and address hidden conditions in substation structures.

Steel Asset Betterment is a Capital Opportunity​

Consider capitalizing the program costs of steel structure best-in-class assessment and remediation. Osmose asset advisory experts are available to support any utility’s operations and finance teams to undertake a successful capitalization program.​

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